2015 Colorado-Wyoming Society of American Foresters Joint Annual Meeting
We’re proud to announce the 2015 Colorado-Wyoming Society of American Foresters Joint Annual Meeting “Partners Working for Thriving Forests” is now open for registration!
Dates: Thursday, May 7 through Saturday May 9
Location: Hotel Colorado, Glenwood Springs
Registration Tools
Online Agenda: http://safcowy.org/2015_JAM_Agenda.pdf
Registration Instructions: http://safcowy.org/2015_online_registration_instructions.pdf
Online Registration: https://qcom.safnet.org/QCommerceNet/Meetings/Index.aspx
Hosted by the Colorado-Wyoming Society of American Foresters, the Colorado Timber Industry Association, and Colorado Tree Farmers, this event will focus on the connections shared by all partners who care about how to work together for our region’s thriving forests. SAF CFE and Certified Logger Credits will be offered.
The Fate of Trees: How Climate Change May Alter Forests Worldwide
by Jeff Tietz in RollingStone.com
By the end of the century, the woodlands of the Southwest will likely be reduced to weeds and shrubs. And scientists worry that the rest of the planet may see similar effects
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Gov. Hickenlooper invites Coloradans to participate in the National Disaster Resilience Competition
DENVER — Wednesday, March 4, 2015 — Gov. Hickenlooper today invited Coloradans to participate in the National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC), a billion dollar federal competition for communities that have been struck by natural disasters in recent years.
The NDRC was announced in July 2014 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Hickenlooper met with HUD Secretary Julian Castro on Monday and expressed Colorado's enthusiasm and strong commitment to participating in the competition. Public input during this phase of the application process is critical.
“We heard countless stories of survival, kindness and heroics in the face of unthinkable disasters over the last few years,” Hickenlooper said. “This competition provides us an opportunity to share those stories to help Colorado receive the necessary resources to rebuild better and prepare. It just takes a few minutes. Let’s win this award!”
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Certified Burner Course
contributed by
Keith Worley, Forester
ISA Certified Arborist
Wildfire Mitigation Specialist
Forestree Development, LLC
Email: forestreedev@aol.com
Below is the flyer for signing up for the Colorado Certified Burner B course through CDFPC. It's a good class targeted to private land owners, and has the potential to be a good program for forest landowners stuck with lots of slash. If enough interest, CDFPC will set up the class in your area.
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Colorado Project Learning Tree is
Offering TWO Fire Ecology Institutes
contributed by
Shawna Crocker
Colorado State Forest Service
Project Learning Tree Coordinator
Join Colorado Project Learning Tree (PLT), the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) and wildfire education partners for one full week of hot topics and burning issues.
This is our 15th year of providing meaningful, relevant, hands-on, interdisciplinary activities, speakers, field trips, and experiments about fire science, wildfire mitigation, fire ecology, dendrochronology, fire and water dynamics, and more for teachers to use with 4th-12th grade students. It is open to all educators, however, formal and non-formal, private or public, in Colorado and beyond.
More information and reflections and lesson plans created by past FEI participants are available at http://coloradoplt.org/our-programs/fire-ecology-institute/.
Read More for details, dates and locations.
Sustainable Forest Management Principles
contributed by
Kathy Westra
American Forest Foundation
Week In Trees
All the people and organizations that have invested time over the past 10-15 years in collaborative efforts have engaged in grass-roots democracy. They have come together to share their perspectives and listen to others’ views. Through the process they have found understanding of others and points of common ground... The challenge is to find the balance, which takes hard work sitting down together to find workable solutions... Ask the people in Arizona, Utah, Colorado and southern California, where it can cost several thousand dollars per acre to cut, move and dispose of trees when there is no mill or loggers available to efficiently do the work.
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article from The Missoulian